YUVA is a society registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 (Reg-no: 0427) of (2008-09).
The Jharkhand based not for profit entity is working in field of Skill Development, Organic Farming and
Health Problem of Economically weaker section of Society with Focus on Skill Development of rural areas.
Thought of secretary :
Our mission is to create positive change in the world by empowering individuals and communities to make a difference. Together, we can build a brighter future for all."
Secretary's Vision :
Our vision is a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, where communities are empowered to create positive change, and where social and environmental justices are upheld. We envision a future where YUVA play a central role in addressing the most pressing issues facing our world, working collaboratively with stakeholders to drive sustainable and impactful solutions.